How Does an 11th-Month Warranty Inspection Help?
After a few months in your newly built home, you may have noticed some things aren’t as you expected or don’t function as well as they should. Most new construction homes have a one-year builder’s warranty that covers aspects of the construction. Order an 11th-month warranty inspection for a professional assessment of the condition of your new home.
Have Repairs Done Before the Warranty Expires
Order an 11th-month warranty inspection while you still have time to hold the builder accountable for construction-related problems. When your warranty expires, you, the homeowner, become responsible for all repairs. This is an important reason to order a professional home inspection in the 11th month of home-ownership.
Prevent Future Problems that Stem from Construction Defects
When you decide to sell your home in the future, you don’t want a defect from the original construction to reveal itself when the buyer orders a home inspection. If problems are found, you may find yourself renegotiating the asking price for your house or paying for expensive repairs before closing.
A builder’s warranty inspection will find problems so you can have the builder fix issues now. If the flashing on the roof was installed poorly, a leak may not be noticeable for months. A home inspector will do a complete assessment of the property and detail any problems in the inspection report.
Save Money by Ordering an 11th-Month Warranty Inspection
When your home warranty expires, issues and defects become your financial responsibility. Depending on the nature of the defect, some repairs may cost thousands of dollars.
If your inspector identifies problems while the home is still under warranty, you don’t have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket. The builder will be responsible for the cost of any repair work that is covered by your builder’s warranty.
Seasonal Changes Can Affect Your House
Problems like squeaky floors or improper grading of the property may not be obvious at first. After living in your home, you may notice that water doesn’t properly drain off the back of the house, there are power outlets that don’t work, or maybe the first snow pulls the guttering off your home.
A builder’s warranty covers many things that you may notice during your first months in the home. Some issues may not be so obvious. Hire a home inspector for a thorough examination of your property. The inspection report will cover all systems of the home from roofing to electrical and plumbing.
Schedule a builder’s warranty inspection to identify issues so you can request repairs or replacement before your warranty expires.
VA Inspect offers 11th-month warranty inspections in Charlottesville, VA. Contact us to request an appointment.